Supported accommodation
We believe leaving home should be an exciting time for all rangatahi, but understand it can be challenging for those with a limited support network. Our supported accommodation arrangements help smooth the way for rangatahi who are taking their first steps towards independence.
A step to success
Most rangatahi can rely on whānau long after they turn 18 and leave the nest. They have someone to ask about changing a fuse or cooking a meal – and many have the safety net of being able to return home well into their 20s.
But this transition can be tough for rangatahi leaving care, whose whānau may not be in a position to offer immediate help. They can often feel entirely alone and find even small problems hard to cope with, derailing their best efforts to become more independent.
Our supported accommodation option provides a stepping stone so rangatahi can develop skills in running their own home – learning to cook and clean, keeping on top of bills, and understanding the responsibilities of being a boarder or tenant, as well as sharing a living space with others.
Rangatahi are supported by a head boarder, the Dingwall Trust housing coordinator and their Transition to Adulthood support worker.
Our practical support helps make the transition to independent living more successful and enjoyable for rangatahi, leading to more positive outcomes.

Growth – purposeful plans
Growth is facilitated through purposeful plans, which are developmentally appropriate, and designed to contribute and support rangatahi goals and aspirations.
Plans should be creative in meeting the needs of individual rangatahi and we are prepared to advocate for flexible and dynamic solutions that lead to the best possible outcomes.

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